jammed packed couple days

yeah, i know. it has been busy. I know it is busy when:
  • emails pile up.
  • i find that I am only getting 6-7 hrs of sleep a night.
  • i drive 12 hours each way to see family, only to stay in the destination for a day and a half.
  • i don't answer my phone when it rings.
  • i bring school work to work work.
  • day schedule looks somewhat like this: wake up. work out 1. study a bit while eating. grab a coffee. work. eat. work. go home. snack. workout 2. go hang out with boy. eat dinner. bed. REPEAT.
  • i realize that it is already the 4th, and I only have 10 days left in this city.
  • i barely have time to squeeze in dinner with my mum.
  • i don't blog much.

so. things like that have been going on. a better blog post will follow. but, for now, I leave you with some more photos. remember how I mentioned at one point in a "things i like" post, that I love getting film developed after they have sat in my room for a year, or longer. these photos (and the ones in the tree post) are from a recent film developing.

These are from my recent trip to alaska, at the end of june.
Two of the coolest dogs i know... Jack and Jasper. Featured in 2 AK huskies

A rather convenient sign on the Nancy Lakes Canoe trail.

two of my favourite people in the world. Sam and Gretchen Chamberlain. Glad to have had the chance to see them, before they are off to Arctic Village for 2 years!!!

Exit glacier. Kenai Fjords National park. This little sign told us about the wind that an ice field produces. you can notice the wind, by my swept hair.

The old railway at Hatcher's Pass Mine.


Alexa said…
Amelia - I LOVE that last photo!

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