back in montreal

so, arrived yesterday (early) into this city that will contain me for the next 2 years.

well... that is, if i pass my physiology exam on wednesday, and my pathology exam on thursday. The common question of the week has been "why are you writing exams, before the semester starts!?!?" well, if you remember back in April, my Momma fractured her hip. Very thoughtfully, she did that during my final exam period. I had 4 exams. I deferred two of them, knowing that had I written them then, I would do awful; and, if i deferred them to August, I would have a better chance at doing well. who was I to know that i was going to have a great summer job, and a great boy to spend time with?!?!

so, the cramming begins continues... I am, truthfully, a bit stressed out. i don't have to do terribly well on these exams: on physiology, i have to get 46/70. on pathology: 41/65. those are the grades, which will keep me in this program. And honestly, i know they don't seem high. but, we are talking information that I learnt from January-April. it's not like it is fresh. nor is it like these exams are easy. they have tricky questions. so, if you believe in some sort of power of prayer, please stick a little one in there for me.

I don't miss edmonton. in fact, i was ready to leave edmonton. i think the thing about edmonton, is that I have seen so much more... experienced and live in many of the greater cities in the world. and, the last couple days were way busier than planned, especially the last day.

I wanted to do nothing, and be non-stressed, and just spend time with that boy i like. but, i woke up in the morning, to discover that my flight was at 1:15 AM on sunday, not PM. so, that made a big difference.... and, a 3hr bike ride turned into 4hrs due to a flat, a massive head wind, and a gravel road. it made me run late for a hair appointment, that turned into a 3hr ordeal (but, i look cute!). One fringe play turned into two. my flying machine proved to be far harder to pack than was planned. and, i only got to spend the last few hours with sean.

but, here I am. once these exams are done, maybe I can take a holiday from my holidays. maybe i can escape into the mountains somewhere for a bit, go swimming in lakes, and sleep in a tent. maybe I can ignore the fact that i am already missing people, and can't see my best friend (In DC) who is about to have a baby, or my old WVU roommate from australia, who is going to be in NYC. maybe I can ignore the fact that I would rather be out west. two weeks to be able to remember that Montreal is actually not all that bad.


Bonnieupnorth said…
Glad you are back and best on exams! Your link for Uncle Don's site doesn't work...need to take off"feed".
Bonnieupnorth said…
Hey found your Alaska extra roll and send me an address and will pop in mail.

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