
So, I am working on something right now for the kids that I went to Haiti with. For some reason, I have been missing them a lot recently. Taking this saturday to relax, to work out, and to catch up on things that I have been putting off during exams.

It is a beautiful sunny, snowy, and *cold* day out there. but, one of those days that you just feel happy to wake up too.

It is amazing, because I remember when I had returned from my first trips with Teen Missions interational to Africa, and how long it took for me not to think of those trips from a day-to-day basis. How hard it was to adjust to life back in "the real world." And, so, I wonder how they are doing right now.

When I look at the photos of these teenagers, I just know how some of them are going to really continue to excel in the future. I know that for some of them, it is going to be a struggle. I know that all of them are going to continue to face the challenges that arise in being a teenager these days. and, if this is the closest that I can be to knowing what it feels like to watch a child move forward in life, and have to give up some of the direct influence, knowing that for that time, you did as much as you could do? Maybe like a parent feels when they watch their kid move away, and battle the adult world. then... wow. it really takes work.

But, man. I miss them. What a incredibly special priviledge it was to play a part in their lives!


Bonnieupnorth said…
We all need to keep Haiti in prayers today and I know they are close to your heart!

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