Slave lake Triathlon

So, about to head up to Slave Lake, Alberta, which is 3 hours north of Edmonton. This will be my first triathlon in Alberta, and I am pretty stoked for it. for those of you who don't know about this place, Alberta is flat like a pancake, especially in the central/north part.

it is the "First annual" so, it should be interesting to see how many people are there, and how the event is run. it is kinda excited to not know much at all about the race!

I was able to put some tri bars onto my bike, and yesterday the guys at the bike shop I am working at, took apart my shifters, replaced a STI lever, and said my drive train was a shit show. but, then they fixed it. so, things should be good to go.

as long as I can go faster than the bugs which will be up there.

how am I feeling? well, I haven't raced an Olympic distance since May 2009. I know that the plan is "balls out." just go. so, that is what I will do. No hesitancies. Do I feel 100% "in form"? no. but, that is okay, since I know that I am in an upswing of a training period, that I can get a peak for another 70.3 in the fall.

it just depends on which race it will be. But, no matter what, i know it will be fun. because... I love racing. I LOVE racing. and, it will be nice to have the mother and that boy who hangs out with me, to come and watch. race report will be up on sunday or monday!


just got up to the hotel that is hosting the event. 14 women in the event, and 3 in my age category. AWESOME. i love small local races.


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