Remembering Edmonton

So, what memories do I have of edmonton, from the last time I spent more than 4 days here.

I think the best memories were from when I was a kid, and I was a "Royal Glenora Gator." Many days were spent under the summer sun at the outdoor pool, with friends who lasted for years. Every summer, we would come together, we would train together, laugh together, travel together, and race together. From the time I was 7 until I was about 14. then... I went to boarding school.

The other day, I went to the Glenora club, and I looked at what is their new pool. It is beautiful. It is indoors, but under a glass structure, so it feels like it is outdoors. The lap pool is detached from the kids pool, and there is a little jacuzzi tub. The guarding office is not sketchy, but a wide open, spacious area.

but. it doesn't have the memories attached. it is a vague recollection of the past.

I have, of course, other memories of Edmonton. like Edmonton Folk music festival. And the river valley. And loving indoor rock climbing. but, beyond that... it is a different city, with different people, and not much that i remember or know to be super familiar.

so, here is to making new memories.

I got to swim outside again. With my mother's master's group. I love swimming outside.
I am getting to explore the city on a bike. Find out what it is like to ride in the flat prairies.
I am discovering the food places in edmonton. and the coffee places. Like dacapo and transcend.
I get to reconnect with people. like makayla. and terry. and the other terry. and sujan. and my sister. and sean. and mike and cara. and camp friends.

maybe it won't be so bad, afterall. i suppose I can give the big trucks, the rednecks, the country music, the conservative thinking, the lack of diversity, the lack of mountains, a chance. i owe them that, at least.

tomorrow, I get to do something really cool. I get to connect with my Uncle Don Patterson, as well as my two cousins (his daughter) Nicole, and Rob MacInnis, for a bike ride that will be a portion of his bike ride across canada. The three of us will join him, and a "patterson family bike reunion" will occur. And it is for a fricken amazing cause.

My uncle is riding his bike across canada, to raise money for YMCA's Strong Kids. Read all about it on his webpage: Cycling for Strong Kids. Strong kids gives the opportunity for children to train and participate in triathlon. "They have some fantastic programs such as our triathlon program where kids can participate regardless of their physical abilities or financial resources. With physical education being cut at our schools and the growing obesity epidemic, I strongly believe that the Y plays a more important role today than ever before."

My uncle don is hilarious (read his blog), super fit, a volunteer coach at the Y, a huge support of his entire family (myself, and my racing passion included), and a all round fantastic individual. To ride with him tomorrow is such a priviledge. and... it will be fun to be with my equally hilarious cousins.


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