are the letters for Vancouver Airport. where i am sitting. where all i can think about is how hot it is that 3000 athletes are all getting their raceface on, and their positive selftalk together, and their bike lubed, and tires pumped, and body glide prepared.

3000 athletes, ready to race for 70.3 miles, through the bayou of New Orleans.

That is fricken hot.

and, the best thing about it, is that no matter how slow I go, i am going to be getting a personal best! yeeehaw! i think that might be one of the best things *Ever* about doing a race for the first time. And, finally, i am stoked about the whole thing. la la la!!!! I will update on the weekend!


Mary Eggers said…
See you there sister! Hope we run into one another! Have a great race!
Bonnieupnorth said…
What can I say except GO GIRL GO1

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