so, let's just start with a comment that I think this sport is hilarious . the things we do (and, read on, you will get some in this report) are ridiculous. Not only because we think that waking up at 4:30 am to go and get your exercise on for 5+ hours straight is fun, but we do things that in normal society would be considered completely inappropriate and people would wonder if you need a psych consult. i find it hilarious the pre-race rituals we have. the need to wear a "i've done an ironman" shirt to race check-in, rather than normal street clothes. the carting around of a gallon water bottle day before a race. the food we eat, and the abnormal sleep schedules we keep. hilarious. pre-race prep was pretty normal. I got to syracuse at about 6pm on friday, and meet Kelly Covert , her husband (also kelly covert!) and boys Noah and Ryan. It was a fantastic place to stay, and we indeed, talked! it was great :) after a solid sleep on friday night, I was able t...