70.3 Race report!!!!

So, the first thing that I want to say, is that before you look at my time, and before you look at the splits, you have to read this statement:

Every single person I talked to went 15 minutes slower on the run than planned.

So, here are the stats:

Amelia Payne
F 25-29
Vancouver -overall:
694 division: 27/101 1 female:41/649

swim time:33:44 T1:
3:20 Bike time:
2:51:45 T2:
2:46 Run time:
2:16:07 3.5 mile split: 33:27 total time:

Before I left, I had a couple goals, and I now that I am finished, I can tell people what they are… since, before hand, I kinda like to keep those things to myself:
1) To finish strong, and feel like I was happy with what I had just done.
2) To be out of the swim before Donna, and within 10 minutes of her on the bike (D~ I love you!!!! I am so glad that I got to race this with you… you are such a huge inspiration to me. I know that I would not have done this, had I not seen you do lake stevens last year. Let’s do one of these events again sometime soon…)
3) Not have my bike break down, or my aerobars fall off.
4) Finish somewhere between 5:30 and 6 hours, broken into something about this: swim, 32 min. Bike, less than 3hours. Run, less than 2 hours.

Did I accomplish those? Hell yeah!!!! Well, not the run, but, read the first sentence in this post. The run was hard... Very hard.

I am going to skip the pre-race prep… other than to say that I was sure that I was going pee about every 30 minutes. It was ridiculous. The energy of everyone who came to NOLA was amazing, and it was so wonderful to meet new friends, and be reunited with old friends. To the girls who raced: Mary, Donna, and Kirsten. YOU GUYS ROCK! Well done on an amazing race.

On the morning of the race, we slept in. Kirsten and I were meant to be leaving the mansion to go to the course at about 5:15. We jumped (and, yes, I mean jumped) out of bed at about 5 after 5. Ran downstairs to be pleased to see that Christian was in the kitchen toasting up some bagels, and brewing up some coffee. About 10 minutes later, we were out of the house, and towards the course.

On the way there, we could see the lights from at least 15 minutes away. I haven’t ever done one of these before, so I can’t compare it to other races, but it seemed really well organized. We got there, and all I could think was “shit. This is really about to happen.” And, it felt great. It was exciting. I turned on my ipod, got my transition ready, decided to walk the 1.2 miles to the swim start, rather than shuttle bus it. On the way there, I looked at the water, and noticed something swimming. Someone assured me that it was something like an otter, and nothing that would nibble on me. But, in my head, I thought “wow, I am sure glad that there are so many waves in front of me. Maybe the animals will eat them instead of me.” ;)

The swim was great. I saw mary and donna just before the start, so I was able to start with Donna. It took me a good 400 meters or so to find my rythmn. I count that down to not having an open water swim since September. The water was warm, and calm. There was lots of room, so nothing frantic, or kicking and splashing.

Ran out, made use of the wetsuit strippers, and flew through transition. I was glad that there was another girl in my age-group out at about the same time, telling herself outloud to slowdown. It helped me slowdown as well. I was only 1.2miles down. 69.9 left to go.

Jumped on my bike, and told myself sllllllloooooow down for the first ½. Lost a water bottle right within the first 5 miles (I say screw the bottle holders behind the seat. Everytime I tried to use it, the bottle would either fall out, or I would almost fall off my bike trying to reach behind me.) D passed me within about 10 miles, and said hello. I felt good that I could keep her in my sight. I was feeling great, got drinking and gu-ing early. First part of the bike was so great. First favourite part of race: on the first 1/3 of the bike, and seeing a police motorcade of about 5 cars cruising towards us. And, about 200 meters behind those cars was a single cyclist making it look so easy. It was like the world was his. I also liked how the bike was marked out in KM’s. my preferance for the bike. In about 20 minutes, I was right behind D again. I said hello to her, and I know I gave her a little mental push… she went slightly ahead of me, and I knew to let her go, and let her have the race that she needed to do. After the second turn of the y out and back, was when the wall of wind hit. I went from easily maintaining about 34km/hr to pushing 23km/hr and having a hard time doing it. This was hard. Sure, the course was flat, but the bike was definitely challenging.

Cruised into T2, and quickly out. Thought as I was running by the port-o-potties if I should stop. Decided not too. Wondered later if that would have been a easy way to slow myself down again for the beginning of the run.

My goal for the run was a 2hour time. To start slow, and to have a strong 2nd half. It took me at least 3 miles to find my legs. And, that is not the problem. I expected it to take about that long. But, it was what happened during and after that surprised me. at about mile 4, i started feeling cold... oh no... sweating shutting down? so, i walked a bit, and then took some gu, chased with water, and gatorade. was fine with temp after that. but, the run was soooo hot. the wind, and the burning of my feet. I tried to positively self talk my self, and think "run like a kenyan...." but, it didn't quite work. so, eventually, my goal changed: it became "finish this run. 10 minute miles, with walking for 1.5 mins at the beginning of everyone, and then doing a shuffle...." and, i finished. it was hard, it was long, it was hot. but i finished...

and, the finish was amazing: another favourite part of the race.... 10 000 fans cheering along decatur st... they closed the street down, which only happens on Mardi gras. the crowds were allowed to close in and it was like a tunnel (similar to the hill climbs on the tour de france). it was amazing. and, amongst all that, in my head, i was not sure that i would make the city blocks that people would count down towards the finish. but, all i could see was the line, and the numbers counting down. and, all i knew was i had to do my best to get there and finish stong. it was ridiculous how focused it felt.

so, ironman 70.3 down. half of me is an ironman. next one... ? maybe austin?! we will see a little later in may. :)

loved it. it was amazing, although the run seemed like a deathmarch. i can't wait to do it again.


Julie said…
Amo, you are AWESOME! A real competitor and an awesome triathlete. I'm so happy I got to cheer you on and get to know you!
Anonymous said…
Well done Amo. I got a tingle running down my spine as I read about your approach to the finish line and the spectators cheering you on.

Bonnieupnorth said…
Wish could have been there! Congrats on the training and results!

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