Boise 70.3 race report
Normally, I don't write a race report on the day of a race. Today, I will. For two reasons: first, because I go to Malawi on Monday, and I won't otherwise have time. Second, because I feel like I have to explain. Honestly, sometimes I like to think that I have "fans" that follow my times while I'm racing, or look up my results... And, when I have a race like today's, I feel... Well... Embarrassed. I'm better than today's results. You know it. My coach and my teammates know it. Even I know it. But here I am. Saddened, because I had a beautiful opportunity in a beautiful location, and the world was my oyster. Had I done a personal best time, I may have even qualified for Mt tremblant. If I di what I have the potential to do, I certainly would've. But today was not my day for that. And, I'm sad. I will be better. And I'm optimistic. Calgary's race is far enough after my trip to Malawi for some awesome training, with...