
Showing posts from June, 2014

Boise 70.3 race report

Normally, I don't write a race report on the day of a race.  Today, I will.  For two reasons: first, because I go to Malawi on Monday, and I won't otherwise have time.  Second, because I feel like I have to explain. Honestly, sometimes I like to think that I have "fans" that follow my times while I'm racing, or look up my results... And, when I have a race like today's, I feel... Well... Embarrassed.  I'm better than today's results.  You know it. My coach and my teammates know it. Even I know it. But here I am.  Saddened, because I had a beautiful opportunity in a beautiful location, and the world was my oyster.  Had I done a personal best time, I may have even qualified for Mt tremblant.  If I di what I have the potential to do, I certainly would've.  But today was not my day for that.  And, I'm sad.  I will be better. And I'm optimistic.  Calgary's race is far enough after my trip to Malawi for some awesome training, with...

Boise 70.3 rave eve!

So , its the eve of race day! A little copy and paste from an email I sent to my coach, earlier.  Mostly because I'm tired, and I don't want to type on my tablet more. But, let's just start this out with saying that Boise is beautiful!!! I'm so excited for this race tomorrow!!! I'm also so excited for my 12:40start time! Generally, the things that could effect this race are done, including the mandatory pre race frozen yogurt. Now it is to get a good sleep, a morning "get the jitters out" run, and toe the line tomorrow.  No photos, as I forgot my phone at home.  I'll upload some when I get home. Meanwhile, if you are at all interested in I am doing tomorrow, have a live feed at ironman tracker .  (That link might only open well in a mobile format... ).  I'm bib # 991! ----------- Drive went really well yesterday, got a little nap in there, didn't feel to stiff.  Wasn't able to get a run in, because it was about 11-12hrs... By the time!e...