It's race week!
All of a sudden, I am racing a 1/2 ironman on saturday. Not going to lie, it has kinda crept up on me, and as always, i have NO IDEA how I am going to do. I've already had my little freak out to Sean, where I complain that I haven't trained enough, and how it is going to be hot, and at elevation, and how there are more than 130 women in my age group. that new, fast, age group YOu know the one... those women who have been doing the sport long enough to be experienced, but not so long that their body is rebelling? WElcome to age group 30-34. Welcome to St George, Utah. It's going to be hot . In more ways than one! meanwhile, I am doing things like this, to get me race ready... i went to physio today, and he did acupuncture. If you remember, in 2007, I had a bike crash that caused me to break both my arms. It left me with one joint that was "good." I.e. never been fractured. But, since my arms are pretty much ...