Back as a MRS!

It has obviously been quite quiet in the blog-o-sphere around here recently. And, I'm ok with that. But, I do love blogging. I just think that the blog has become a little different for me in the past 6 months. I think that in school, my blog tends to be a time that I can get away from the stress, vent a bit, reflect a bit, and keep people updated. Now that i am not in school, the stress of academia has decreased, and I find that blogging about things like... my triathlon training... can be a bit bland. so, let's talk about the major amazing lovely love fest that happened a few weeks ago. getting married is awesome. what a week of crazy emotions. I felt the saddest that I have maybe ever experienced, with the loss of my sister. I'm still very sad about that, and I know that I will never stop missing her. here are some photos of her and i together, then some shots of her a few years ago, while working at Pioneer camps. ...