Things you would never see in Canada
Almost every day, I have experiences which kinda make me say "oh man. I am SO far away from Canada." Sometimes, they are very tiny things and sometimes they are monumental. and sometimes, i even forget that that they are a little strange. like this morning... it has so far been a relatively normal day. Nothing too eventful. Except for the gecko hiding on my floor that scared me. and the fact that this sign was posted on a lamp post. Sorry for the poor photo (it was taken with my phone), but I am not sure if you can read it... it says "A night of war against satanic manipulation." oh great. just what everyone needs. then, a fellow saw me taking the picture, and after a minute or so of conversation said "I would like to be your friend." HA. OK. Fine. And, I walked into school having a little laugh... that is one of the biggest cultural differences that is hard to overcome. no matter how long you can be here, it feel...