Hawaii: The Holiday

so, i have been back from my holiday for about a month.  and, I have not yet written about the rest of my holiday. Not because I haven't wanted too (it has been waiting in my "edit" box).  But, this summer has been busy (HA!  as if my life is never not busy).  So, in memory, here is my Hawaii post, holiday edition.  remember, it was written quite a while ago.

in arriving back to Canada, i think that edmonton weather has had me in the ultimate state of revenge.  Since getting back (last monday morning, 10 days ago) there has not been one nice day of weather until yesterday.  10 days of sunshine in hawaii.  10 dreaded days of rain in edmonton.  I even had to do my long saturday ride on the trainer!  UGH!  it is JUNE!  but, at least I am not in Saskatchewan (or north dakota, for that matter), where the rain and flooding is causing people to evacuate.

so, in order to remember the sunshine, here is my post about the rest of the holiday in Hawaii.  Oh yeah.  and, I'm racing on Sunday (already!?!?).  A local Olympic Distance race... 30 women registered.  one of the others is the girl (um... super fast runner!) who won last year's Slave Lake Triathlon (you know the one... i ran with bare feet?).  It should be fun to race my edmonton "Arch rival..." (HA! not really...)  but, it will be fun to race a race that is all of 5 minutes away from the place i am staying!

but... HAWAII!  The amazing Hawaii!  if you have seen my facebook album, you have seen these photos.  I will hopefully add some more, in the coming days, but, for now... just lavish in your jealousy.

The Sunday after Sean left, and the monday involved a "world famous manta ray night dive."  but, guess what.  100$ later, and NO manta rays were to be seen.  the monday involved fun with everyone but sean.  it also included a little crazy cliff jumping, some beer drinking at kona brewery, and some beach lounging.  Then, it was back on the plane to Oahu.  Zach had to work Tuesday-Thursday, so I was pretty much on my own for those days. On friday-Sunday though, more adventuring occurred.  So great to run around the island, and meet friends of friends! 

Tuesday Was a pretty relaxed day.  Honestly, i did a lot of coffee drinking, lying in bed, and doing nothing.  Z had lent me his car, and suggested I go down to Pearl Harbour, which I did.  Being Canadian, it was probably not as significant for me, but it was neat at any rate.  i just cannot believe how much of a surprise the japanese were able to have!!!  ridiculous.

Wednesday was another relaxed day, which included beaching, stand up paddle boarding, and since my team was going for the stanley cup, canucks watching.  Haleiwa has great little restaurants, like the Waialua Bakery, which has the most amazing (and cheap!) sandwiches and smoothies. Such a nice environment to just sit around, people watch, and consume delicious, healthy food!   My SUP experience was short, and fairly easy.  I went for an hour, started off on a little river, and then out into the bay... it is super fun and I can totally see how people would love to do it as a core workout!!!!  

Thursday: On thursday, I was able to head out for a 2-tank shore dive at "Shark's Cove."  A very popular snorkling spot, it was nice to get away from the crowds, diving down.  The fish life was not the most stunning that I have ever seen, but, the rock formations were AMAZING!  I have never dove such neat swim throughs, and knowing that they were formed by lava was incredible.  The light was just stunning, going from super darkness, into the bright blue light with sun shining through.... and, got to see lots of beautiful sea turtles! 

That evening, like many others, was suiting up to have a beautiful sunset.  Zach had suggested that one morning, i go out to "mtn bike" to kaena point, where I might encounter endangered monk seals.  however, since I was on holiday's my body never let me wake up early.  so, i never got there to see the seals... but, it *is* the western most point of O'ahu, so, why not  go for the sun set.  I don't have much to say, except that riding a 15 year old gary fisher, in sandals and a dress, should NOT be  your first experience with a mountain bike over bumpy terrain (and, on the way back, in the dark) in more than 5 years...  photos tell most of the experience, which was BEAUTIFUL and amazing. 

Friday: i "reunited" with Zach after that adventure on his bike, and had another full weekend planned.  Zach has been getting a lot into wind surfing, since arriving in hawaii.  Since this takes LOTS of skill (which, I do NOT have), I took his little "sea" kayak, and played around in the ocean waves while he is playing in the wind.  We then, attempted to take water pictures of the two of us.  As you can tell, the waves made it a little difficult...  Later that day, we went to downtown Waikiki, met Zach's Lovely lady, watched a hockey game (yup, the Canucks were still playing) at a great sports bar, and then walked around the city. It was pretty funny how many memories came flooding back, from my visit to the same place, with my granny, when I was about 7. 


Saturday: My last full day was spent doing what you are meant to do on the north shore of O'ahu.... SURFING!  Despite the large waves happening in the winter, there was definitely enough to have a good time.  I went with a smaller Company, Surf with the Pro's, and decided to pay an extra 20$ for a private lesson.  It was totally worth it, I felt like I was with a friend out surfing, and I had a blast.  I am actually kinda surprised with the ease I had to stand up.  But, maybe it was the ~12ft long board that they gave me.  HA!  huge, but, useful to learn.  I like the fact that now I know the "basics" and it would be about renting one the next time and just getting out.  One thing taht was surprising.  How tiring it is!!!! Lots of paddling/shoulder work/shoulder work.  

In the afternoon, back down to Honolulu, where we grabbed an early dinner, and went out to a park for a reggage festival.  There was a local band, one from Cali, a few others... but, the highlight for us was Mr. Orthodox reggage jew himself, Matisyahu.    And, oh man.  He was great!!! shocking how tall he is.  but, he rocked so hard that his little cap... you know the one... that small circular disc that sits on Jewish Men's heads? fell off...  So great to hear such good music, in an outdoor festival.  One thing i love.  live music during festivals.  LOVE IT!

Sunday: Finally, the last day was short, but, wonderful.  We drove from Zach's place, south.  And, as always, we drove through the pineapple fields (i never had the chance to visit the plantations), but stopped to grab a photo.  I had NO idea that pineapples grow on the ground!  So cute :)  We then, stopped at the army base, Schofield Barracks,  where Zach is a Medevac blackhawk helicopter pilot.  So we played with his large toys, and I accidently tracked red mud through the hallway (left over from getting photos of the pineapples!)...  Z felt bad for the private that had to clean it up.  Ooooops.

finally, the hightlight of the day was a 70km ride around the south part of the island, with Z and his army Doc friend, Allison.  It was a fairly challenging ride, especially since i was still feeling pretty tired from the race.  But, it was beautiful.  And, when you are riding here, how can you think of how tired you are?  It really doesn't matter.  Because as soon as you feel tired, you look out at the view and forget all about it.  The Day finished up with massive burgers and beers, and then we were off to the airport.  

In many ways, this trip was bitter-sweet.  So many great times, but, also a reminder of how much life changes over the years. I am going through a lot of changes in the next year.  And, one of those major changes will be marrying the boy i like  Love.  But, as everyone realizes, there are changes that come with that.  Zach and I have taken many adventures throughout the years, as I have done with many friends.  And, those adventures will not end, but, they will be different.  I will not be able to, or nor do I really want to, just take off and have crazy adventures with whomever, whenever, I want.  Relationships, and how those relationships play out, morph and change throughout life.  And, that is not a bad thing.  it is just a different thing.  All I know, is that Zach is one of the best type of life-long friends that you can have.  And, I am just so happy that I was able to spend this time with him, in a place that he loves, doing things that I love.  

What an amazing priviledge it is to be blessed with these type of things in my life.  I consistently am in awe.  


Unknown said…
Great post!! Such beautiful pictures!!! Im so jealous!! :)
A very enjoyable holiday is not it? I love Hawaii, especially the history that happened at Pearl Harbour. nice

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