pre-race day!

so, i have a few minutes to blog, before i get back to my papers, or, before the boy i like calls.  i am sitting in my bed, looking at the *terrible* weather outside, and exhausted due to the workout that i just finished.  you can see it here:

I am running a 1/2 marathon tomorrow, (but would rather be racing NOLA 70.3.  but, life and funds dictate something else... one day i will get back to race my "inaugural" 1/2 ironman).  I really hope that the weather clears up tomorrow, or the race will be like it was last year.  wet and cold.  and, that is NOT weather for a PB.  and, i really want a PB for this distance.  it has been 2.5 years that i have ran 1:46's on my stand alone 1/2's.  it is time, folks.  time to smash that.  (but... after the past few weeks of crappy training... and today's workout?!?  we shall see...)

and, just as a note... i have been loving working out in my new zones... they have definitely bumped up from that 5km i did a few weeks ago... but, it is a little "Scary" to be running in new zones, because, honestly?  it feels like i am training at race paces. and it makes me wonder if will be be able to sustain the higher HR's during race days...

anyway.  school.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I have 2 papers due at the end of this week, just before easter...
that is TOTALLY manageable.  And, if you ahve been reading, you are probably wondering (um, yeah, not really) how my proposal is going.  It was supposed to be handed into ethics on friday.  and, after a few nights of very little sleep, and ALOT of work, we decided thursday night at 6pm that maybe I should go for the next deadline (May 6th).  and, it was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders, and i could have a bit of sanity and balance back in my life.

i went home on thursday night, and slept for 11hrs.  and then, last night (Friday) I slept for 10.  my brain is tired, apparently.  so, these 2 papers seem manageable, and it is going to be VERY nice to have a break next week for easter and not much work for the week before May (in which I will be doing a clinical rotation... crossing my fingers for Emergency)

and, after that:  SUMMER!  then, after that:  AFRICA! then, after that: CHRISTMAS! then, after that: 4 4 months of school.... then, after that: GRADUATION!  i can't believe it.  so fast. 

anyway, i digress.  i have thought recently about a lot of things to blog about.  so, honestly, when i am ready to get back to blogging on a semi-regular basis: be ready.... You will get to learn about things like how i recently just learnt about the 8week X prior to a race. and how much i am learning this year at school.  

but, finally.  tomorrow starts pretty much one of the best weeks of the year: HOLY WEEK! thursday, Maundy thursday, is my *favourite* day in the church calendar.  it is the day which the last supper (I just wrote summer... you can see what is on my mind) is remembered, and, the action of christ washing his disciples feet.  (photo from HERE)
and, honestly, i don't know about you, but, feet can be pretty nasty.  especially if you are walking around a lot in sandals and bare feet.  (i know this, since those are 2 things that I love to do). and, for christ to do what he did was pretty damn innovative (beginning of pedicures!??! ha ha!), and so very humbling, and such an example of servanthood.  You can read the passage here: "having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end."  

so, here is to Palm sunday.  and the beginning of a wonderful week.  


Unknown said…
Good Luck! You will do great! Loved your commentary on your HR!! LOL~!
Scott said…
Don't be too upset about missing NOLA 70.3 this year, they cancelled the swim due to unsafe conditions on the lake. But, I'll write more about that when I post my race report later today

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