“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain
i haven't died.
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but, if you are interested, this is what I have been doing.
I have designed this study:
Based on this theory of Nursing Retention (Stewart et al. 2010):
and further backed up by this model on Maternal Mortality: and, on Friday, i present it all. eeps.
So, I have recently made a vow that I would never again write a race report on the same day as a race. Well, that has been nixed for this race. and, I guess the reason is because... I know it is going to be a race report that has no potential to be anything but good :)
so, let's just start with a comment that I think this sport is hilarious . the things we do (and, read on, you will get some in this report) are ridiculous. Not only because we think that waking up at 4:30 am to go and get your exercise on for 5+ hours straight is fun, but we do things that in normal society would be considered completely inappropriate and people would wonder if you need a psych consult. i find it hilarious the pre-race rituals we have. the need to wear a "i've done an ironman" shirt to race check-in, rather than normal street clothes. the carting around of a gallon water bottle day before a race. the food we eat, and the abnormal sleep schedules we keep. hilarious. pre-race prep was pretty normal. I got to syracuse at about 6pm on friday, and meet Kelly Covert , her husband (also kelly covert!) and boys Noah and Ryan. It was a fantastic place to stay, and we indeed, talked! it was great :) after a solid sleep on friday night, I was able t...