Sheeesh! (kabobs?!)

wow. i am lame. it has been a while. i blame it on how incredibly busy I am these days.

ha. that's a joke.

I really blame it on my wireless connection capabilities of my computer right now. yup, at max, my wireless will stay online for for approximately 3 minutes when I am at home, and then the signal fades in and out, and in and out. eventually it ends at "out." so, i am now, connected at UBC library via a cable. this sucks.

so, my life these days includes a lot of doing nothing. for instance, last thursday, this was my day: work from 7-11. sit on computer at work, doing some email responding. phone friend. arrange to leisurely ride bikes to sea wall, sit and eat salads and soups while watching people stroll by. then, ride again to meet another friend to rent some rollerblades, and skate around the stanley park sea wall. then, go to pub to watch playoff hockey. then, ride bike to yet another friend's to watch a movie. fall asleep on couch. wake up close to end of movie. ride my bike home for a real sleep.

yeah, life is tough right now. On that thursday, I also logged onto my student account at UBC. No tuition owed. all grades in. Graduation approved. NO TUITION OWED! (wooooo!)

so, what am i doing with life?

I am selling stuff on craigslist: a desk, a printer, some chairs, a bed side table. random crap like a tea pot, and a disk rack, and old CDs and Books and cassettes. Trying to fit my life into two bags and a bike.

I am connecting with my community: going for coffees, going for workouts, having social events, picnics, telling people about my trip. I am loving spring, and the sun, and the smells that come with it.

I am working out, and training: for the first time, in a long time, I am regularly going to the gym. more than once a week. I have kinda reminded myself about how much fun it is. I only have one more race before I head south. I will be racing at Shawnigan Lake on the 24th of May. And, I will do the olympic distance. and, my training plan? swim, bike, and run. if my body feels like shit, take a rest day. if i want to go hiking, go hiking.

I am hosting couchsurfers: an australian for a week, and tonight, I will have a swede for a few nights.

I am fundraising: about 1700$ to go to cover this trip to haiti. it kinda makes me nervous that I am not going to make it, but, i know it will come.* God isn't on a budget. I am selling 50-50 tickets, and had a great sushi dinner the other day that raised about 300$, and I am connecting with my people around town. it has been amazing to see how supported I have been in my endevours, and it is so exciting to share these endevours with other people.**

I am connecting at a deep level with my spirituality, and my God: it has been quite amazing, what all of this change has done. It has made me want to be in church more, and continue to connect with that community. It has made me think about things like what mission means in my life, and what it means to just know, and trust that God is bigger than the disarray of planning my life out.

I am taking care of wrapping up things here in BC: I am making sure my driver's liscense is renewed, and that my health insurance is in order for my trip, and that my cell phone will be on the minimal plan for while i am away. figuring out how to stop mail from most of my banks, non-profits, etc. Getting my plane ticket for montreal, and packing up my house.

so, you know. busy-ish. just not in the same way that I am used too. And, that feels nice :)

* that reminds me. if you want to financially support me... now is the time. the deadline is nigh. email me for address and instructions. roweramo at

**I am incredibly excited about going to Haiti. Recently, I was asked "what is mission" and, it has got me thinking a lot in the last week. And, maybe, I will post what I wrote in response to it. To all of you, who support me (not really just in finances, but in the bigger things... the deep, spiritual things, and the community connection things, and the inspirational things...)

thank you.


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