Dear Vancouver Broadcasters: Re: "Woman reclaims stolen bike from Craigslist seller"
Thank you for covering this interesting occurrence in a city where bike theft is rampant. I find the social media furry that is coming up around this story particularly striking, as something very similar happened to me earlier this year. Last February, my 2000$ bicycle was stolen from the "secure" bike room in my condo's garage. Someone had targeted my bike, with a blowtorch to destroy the lock. My husband's (more pricey bike) was left behind. I, like Kayla, was incredibly disappointed with the loss. I spend more time on my bike than doing any other leisure activity: I commute, I shop, I race on my bike. It had traveled to Montreal and back with me. I filed a bike theft report ASAP with the VPD, including a serial number, description, and inspection of the crime. On the morning of the bike theft, I tweeted and facebooked my loss. The bike company (Brodie) replied, and reposted. My tweet was repeated a few times in the vancouve...