12 weeks...

in 12 weeks, i will be done... (at least for a while) hopefully. knowingly. willingly. and, I am excited.

tomorrow starts "Base 2" of my 20-week workout plan. I got it off beginner triathlete.com and, I am sure that 10 million other people have used this plan as well. I hope it works. I was lucky this week, because upon my return from florida (where I was a slug on the beach for 10 days), it was a scheduled "Rest week." I instead used it as a "get my body moving" week. It was, therefore, successful. I am excited to give myself i little vamp-up on the workouts. I have also added in a scheduled weekly yoga class that I can fit in, and a weekly strength and conditioning work-out with one of my co-workers, who has agreed to train me :) woo! it will be fun to get a external motivation every week from someone else, while working out. and, as Mary Eggers once said (and, i completely agree) "strong muscles are healthy muscles."

This semester, I was going to take French, and Medical Anthropology. I was in French for a week, and then decided that my priority is not to re-learn french. My priority, for this semester is to defend and pass my thesis, and train for new orleans. two major goals for the next few weeks. So, I have dropped the class. much to my shagrin, and a little bit of a dismay. cause i love french. and, i want to relearn it. but, apparently, it won't work.

oh, and talking about dismay... the snow is still here. At least close to my house. I fell on my bike today (oh yes! i have been able to ride my beloved. even though the snow is still around to some degree, the main streets are okay. what a relief. i have loved being back on my bike). but, do not dismay. i fell while travelling the approximate speed of a snail. I approached some reminant snow the wrong way, and then proceeded to not unclip quick enough as I fell sideways into a big, somewhat soft snowbank. I laughed so hard.

Yesterday, I hosted some couchsurfers. I feel a little bad that Erika, my wonderful roommate, is not as prone as I am to letting people that we have never met, sleep on our futon. However, i love being able to bring people/travellers into the house. "Do not forget to entertain strangers. For by so doing, some have unwittenly entertained angels." I also had a small gathering last night. It included blini. and a bit of wine/beer. and cranium. and good music, courtesy of Sam C. and, of course, good friends, courtesy of life. in addition, today, I met another Aussie from Perth. also courtesy of couchsurfing. He has just relocated from Perth, with no job, no place to live, and knows no one. and, apparently he loves it. which is fantastic. I hope that we can continue to be friends. :)

and finally. i recently watched Slumdog Millionaire. It was beautiful and funny and serious. do yourself a favour, and go and watch it. and, lastly (for almost real) African Drumming starts again tomorrow. I am sooooo excited! woooooo!

so, it has been a good week. a busy week. but, i think i am in high anticipation of this next 4 months. and, you know. I was a little challenged with myself that i have not made super concrete "new years resolutions" like i did last year. I think it is because beyond April, i have no idea what is going to be happening in my life. but, it does not mean that I have no goals right now. they are just a little more abstract ;)


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