Crest of a hill...
Over the past couple weeks, I have been able to think a little bit more about things that I love. and, here are a few more. i love tunnels/ canopies that are made my trees . (in fact, i love trees, in general) i love shooting a roll of film , not having enough money to develop it, and then d evelop it months and months later , only to find out what was on the roll, long after you have forgotten. i love stalking my competitors on I love the crest of a hill . No matter what. If it is cycling up one, and at the very top, rolling over the top, and feeling your heart stop pounding; or climbing a mountain, and seeing the view from the top; the top of a roller coaster, and the drop that follows. there has been a lot of happenings in the past 2 weeks. mostly all happening during the time away in alaska (and, sorta in chicago). My past two races have kinda haunted me for the last little while. I didn't have a great time in Alaska (despite it being a small part of a b...