aready a downer for the games.

So sad to hear about the death of the olympic luger. Anyone who makes "fun" of "tobogganing" being an olympic sport needs to be quiet just about now. and remember that this was a life. and a life from a country that probably does not do a lot for high class athletes. a life of a son, a citizen and a world class athlete. May light perpetual shine upon him, and may he rest in peace.

other news:
  • sooooo busy this week. pathology exam, presentation on Tuberculosis, clinicals.
  • Bahamas with my mum in one week! woooOOOOoooo
  • got my splish grab bag suits today. 2 for 40$ I was worried that they might be ugly, but I got these beautiful hawaii themed suits!!! :D
  • started my fundraising for TEAM IN TRAINING! and, also training with the group. it is so nice to go running with other people! check out our McGill Nurses Run a Race blog. I am trying to raise 7000$ by april 1st. Do you, or anyone you know, what to help out? what about the company you work for? do they do charitable donations?!
  • I am excited to watch the opening ceremonies tonight.
  • I miss Vancouver. I miss my friends. I recently saw this video, and it is soooo beautiful. for some reason, I can't seem to embed it, but click on the link.


Bonnieupnorth said…
Well I did the shameless plug on my blog, was wonderfully impressed by the opening ceremonies, especially that last torch run through downtown Vancouver which I knew you would have probably been in the crowd if there, have switched to evening swims at BD pool and they are all young enthusiastic triathletes like you, may go suit shopping this afternoon and am thankful I got some extra work coverage in March to help pay for this all!

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