Teen Missions

So, when I was 16, and 18, I went to Africa with an organization based out of Florida for the summers. What ended up happening was that those summers changed my life.

in 1999, I went to Nampula, Mozambique, and amongst other things, these are a few of the things that happened:
  • I met my best friend christina.
  • I was "woo-ed" by my first african woo-er.
  • I lived in a tent, and washed in a bucked for 2 months straight.
  • I questioned what faith meant, and learned a little bit more about it, and about God.
  • I realized that Africa is an incredibly special place.
  • I dug and poored the foundation for the front wall of a hospital.
  • I toured a hospital in Nampula, and saw the horrendous health situations there.
  • I had team leaders, Sam Kim, in particular, who ended up being mentors for a long time.
In 2001, I went to Belo, Cameroon (in the North West Province), and here are some of the things that happened there:
  • I fell in love, in more ways than one.
  • I fell off a roof, and broke my arm. I subsequently saw the health situation in Cameroon, on a first hand level.
  • I got worms in my skin, and africa in my blood.
  • I realized that Africa was where I was going to spend most of my life. I had a peace about leaving, because I knew that I would be back.
  • I got un-dressed, and re-dressed in african garb, by african ladies.
  • I discovered for the first time what it felt like to have someone taste the glory of God, and then decide to not want it.
Now, I am someone who believes that if you are priviledged to receive big things in life, that you should be able to give back to those same things. I received huge things from Teen Missions International. and, although there may be some things that I don't completely agree with, I do believe that the biggest thing that makes a difference in the lives of the kids who go on these trips are the leaders. The leaders have the ability to change lives. And, because my life was changed on these trips, I have decided to give back...

Today, I mailed my acceptance/application to go as a leader this summer to Haiti. you can read about the trip in that link. So, for June and July, I will be leading a team of 30 (or so) teenagers (13-18 year olds) to go and continue construction on an orphanage building and the property wall for an orphanage home. No, it is not Africa, but this is the team that I felt I was meant to go on. Im nervous, and I am excited. And, I am raising money ;) (3000$)

I am still a little in shock that this is actually going to be happening....


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